If in you college restriction for browsing some websites and some security because which you can not surf most famous websites then........
i have some methods using that you surf any type of website: 1. First Method :- Before Entering URL(e.g. http://www.google.com) use 's' prefix before ":" like following example "https://www.google.com"
2.Second Method :-
Second Method is most famous in college campus wifi is use of proxy server. You have just enter website URL in URL tab. One of the famous proxy server is "Flyproxy" server and second is "t9space".
Just enter www.flyproxy.com into URL bar(which are locate on your browsers top position) after that you get URL bar option. In that you have to enter just URL of website like www.torrentz.com
3.Third Method :-
After trying above two method if you did not get success then use combination of both Methods like just enter URL like "https://www.flyproxy.com if get the following type message.........................
Then do not worry about it just follow the instruction which i tell you .... Just cllick on yellow arrow thats before the " I Understand the Risks " tab
and then you will get following Dialog box like....
after this you just have to click on "Confirm Security Exception" button and then you will get the website like..
In the URL bar just put the website url and you get the websites like.....................................................
and then click on "GO" button you will get the website like............
This website is only example. You can surf any type of website using "Flyproxy" website.
Enjoy my friend and even if not get the success then send me your mail id on "Question/comments/Suggestion" tab(which are locate after every blog information) LIKE.............
i will give you one of the godfather software for surf freely on any network and any where in the world.
Thank You
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